Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Stoops: Joe Mixon Deserved a Second Chance

At Wednesday's press conference, Oklahoma coach Bob Stoops defended his handling of Joe Mixon's situation last year.

Mixon, who was convicted for misdemeanor assault after punching a female, was kicked off the team for the 2014 season.

Here's what Stoops had to say about his handling of Joe Mixon's situation.

"It's a situation that was very unfortunate, and Joe was penalized," Stoops said of the former five-star recruit. "Joe was removed from the team for a year, and we believe as a university that you give people second chances if they can do certain things to grow from it and learn from it. 
"There is no excuse, ever, for violence against women at all. But Joe, again, as an 18-year-old, and the circumstances that surrounded it all, that he deserved a second chance, with strict guidelines moving forward, but he's met all of those. He's been a really good student. He's been a great teammate to everybody. So he continues to do the things that the university has set in front of him to do to be given that second chance. 
"Hopefully as a young man he can keep growing from it, and if he does, he'll be a very productive student and person out in the community if he can continue to do that. We believe overall with what we know about Joe that he has the character to do that. Hopefully he can keep doing it. But he's been a big he's a spark for the offense. He's one of those guys that has all the energy — like Eric Striker does to the defense, he does to the offense, and it's natural for him. He just has a lot of fun out there and gets everybody energized and everybody enjoys the way he does it."

Joe Mixon Meets the Media...And It Was Awkward
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