Sunday, November 15, 2009
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Oklahoma City Thunder Defense is Leading the Western Conference

Football News - J. Robert Byrom

 In the high-flying Western Conference, where 10 teams are averaging over 100 points a game, only one team is holding their opponents under 90. No, not the Spurs; the upstart Oklahoma City Thunder.

Young teams are not supposed to win this way, and last year the Thunder proved that. They fit easily into the mold of young talented teams. You live and die by shooting percentages.

This year, the Thunder have gotten off to a respectable start in a way that young teams seldom do: with dominating defense.

Last year, they added guard Thabo Sefolosha for one of their coveted draft picks after the Tyson Chandler deal fell through. While the move had many scratching their heads, Sefolosha's impact was felt immediately. The Thunder had already started to improve, but he showed the young team how much good defensive effort can impact the game and the Thunder have apparently took that lesson to heart.

While it was expected the Thunder would improve on both sides of the ball as they gain experience, the total transformation and dedication to defense was not.

The most impressive increase in defensive intensity has been down on the low post. The finally healthy Nenad Krstic and veteran Etan Thomas are matching the efforts of Sefolosha in the post as well. Jeff Green and Durant have not been afraid to go low and help out when needed.

Many are now picking the Thunder to make the playoffs. They definitely have the talent, but are extremely young. They may still be a year away, but with their defensive effort and great young core, the Thunder's future is as bright as any teams in the NBA. The scariest thing is they still have tons of room to play around before their roster is locked.


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J. Robert ByromWritten on Tuesday, 10 November 2009 14:19 by J. Robert Byrom

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  • jbyrom : It is becoming quite the task, that is why I went to only registered comments and forcing people ot be registered to comment on this. I move back to Tulsa Next week SO finding time to write is getting hard but I will eek a few out for you
  • scarab1 : thanks for removing the spam.
  • jbyrom : Anyone remember where Jonathom Miller came from? I think that kid is going to be a beast and I do not ever remember the sooners recruiting him
  • logan rogers : BOOMER!!!!!
  • logan rogers : OSKI!!!!
  • logan rogers : OUch is correct! Just 1 play here or there, AAAARRGGGHH!!!!
  • logan rogers : sup scarab1, got another one on the way about us and the jayhawks. Let me know what you think.
  • scarab1 : what up guy's? I know you got something to say that others haven't said.
  • scarab1 : OUch. Saturday's game hurt. Reynolds did step up and so did the rest of the D. One leap over McCoy wins it.
  • logan rogers : Thank you on the article. Not many people are talking this point up enough. I see him playing like a maniac sat.

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